Repro Shabbat

NCJW Palm Beach, Southeast Atlantic and Valencia Shores Sections invite you to a virtual pre-Shabbat conversation with Rabbi Stephanie Shore.

Celebrate the importance of reproductive health access and freedom, and learn more about Judaism’s approach to these issues. With our rights under attack throughout the country, it is more important than ever for people of faith to raise our voices!

Friday, January 28, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.

This is a free event but you must register to receive the Zoom link.


(A Zoom link will be sent a few days before the event.)

Stephanie ShoreStephanie Shore served as Cantor of a large synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida for 27 years and received her Rabbinic ordination in January of 2018. She is grateful to combine her cantorial and Rabbinic gifts to engage the community in healing and growing their Jewish roots.

She developed where the students can listen to and learn their Torah portions, and Prayers and Blessings. The site is used by congregations all over the world. She also has an online, globally-accessible Jewish community dedicated to nurturing and supporting individuals on their spiritual paths. Rabbi Shore utilizes music, prayer and meditation to elevate, deepen and give modern-day meaning to our ancient Jewish rituals and texts. We welcome people from ALL walks of life.