Soup For The Soul, a community-based volunteer effort to provide bags of nutritious soup ingredients to food insecure Palm Beach County residents. Our partnership with Palm Beach Harvest, a non-profit organization, enables our bags of healthy soup ingredients to be cooked and distributed to feed hungry children and families. To date, we have provided food to over 5000 residents of Palm Beach County.
Seeking volunteers to organize and lead our monthly collection efforts. We are always looking for new communities to participate in. All it takes is an act of kindness to make this happen, with the result that your Soul feels so good about helping others in need.
Questions: Laurie Alexander, Chair Soup for the Soul, Soup@ncjwpalmbeach.orgSoup for Shabbat, in partnership with Alpert Jewish Family Services, NCJW Palm Beach assists the food and financially insecure members of the Jewish Community. Every other month, NCJW volunteers provide 50 bags of Kosher-approved Lentil Vegetable Soup ingredients along with the soup recipe. These bags are distributed by AJFCS volunteers to their clients through their Kosher Food Pantry. The fresh and healthy ingredients are meant to create a delicious start to their clients’ Shabbat meal.
Questions: Laurie Alexander, Chair Soup for the Soul, Soupforshabbat@ncjwpalmbeach.org
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