From Judy Traub:
On February 5 Linda Geller-Schwartz was the recipient of Palm Beach County National Organization of Women's Susan B. Anthony Award for the Outstanding Feminist of 2017. She was saluted for her work for NCJW, and her work in coalition with the League of Women Voters, NOW, ACLU, the Gun Violence Prevention Coalition and other local like-minded organizations. In addition, County Commissioner Dave Kerner presented Linda with a special award in recognition of her outstanding advocacy work and he was joined on the podium by all the other elected officials in attendance:
County Appraiser Dorothy Jacks, State Attorney Dave Aronberg, School Board Member Karen Brill, Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher, Linda, Tax Collector Ann Gannon, State Rep. Lori Berman, County Commissioner Dave Kerner
Letter from Linda:
Good morning:
I just wanted to write to thank you all for coming to the NOW luncheon on Sunday. I don't have a list of all my NCJW sisters who came, so, if I left someone off this email, please forward it. I must admit the whole luncheon was a bit of a blur for me and the NCJW table was to far away from where I was sitting that I didn't get a chance to speak with all of you.
But it was such a wonderful day and I felt so honored and humbled by the whole experience. It felt great to have all of you there to to support me -- as you always do.
Thank you so much!
I thought you might like to see the picture and plaque that Dave Kerner gave me.