promote the vote protect the vote logoDO YOU VOTE BY MAIL? Mail-in Ballot Requests Have Expired! Request your Vote-By-Mail Ballot Today!

Under the current Florida Laws, voters who choose to vote by mail must renew their Vote-By-Mail request each election cycle. You MUST complete a new Vote-By-Mail request form to be eligible to use the DROP BOXES (now referred to as “Secure Ballot Intake Stations”) for the 2024 Presidential Election. To verify your Vote-By-Mail status, go to and click on “My Status” Page. Make sure you have your Florida driver’s license or ID number or have handy the last 4 digits of your social security number when requesting your ballot. CLICK HERE TO REQUEST YOUR MAIL BALLOT FOR THE 2024 ELECTIONS ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION*** DUE TO A LEGISLATIVE CHANGE, ANYONE POSSESSING MORE THAN 2 MAIL-IN BALLOTS OTHER THAN THEIR OWN AND ONE OTHER FAMILY MEMBER, CAN BE CHARGED WITH A THIRD-DEGREE FELONY. UPCOMING ELECTION DATES: EARLY VOTING - OCTOBER 21 - NOVEMBER 3 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5
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