The School District of Palm Beach County Office of Communications Kids Closets Provide Clothing and Shoes for Students at Title I Schools

By Julie Houston Trieste | October 31, 2016 (re-printed) Kids closetEveryone was all smiles  and third grader Destiny Bent made a twirl to show off her new outfit as the ribbons were cut on two new Kids Community Closets in School District Schools. Pleasant City Elementary and Westward Elementary are the latest of the 12 closets to serve more than 8,100 students by providing shorts, collared shirts, underwear and socks for children in schools with more than 90 percent of the children qualifying for free or reduced lunch. The closets are the project of the National Council of Jewish Women in Palm Beach County. In addition to the schools,  a separate closet on the grounds of Lincoln Elementary School, that is staffed by the Mckinney-Vento office of Safe Schools serves, 3,000 homeless and 800-1000 foster care youth with needed underwear, socks and feminine care products. The Pleasant City Elementary School closet was made possible by the Ballen Isles Charities Foundation. The goal of Kids Community Closet is to keep kids in school by providing them with basic clothing items so they can concentrate on learning and enjoy the self esteem that comes from looking good and being properly dressed. The National Council of Jewish Women is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.  
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