Recent Posts
Breaking Bread – Now Is Your Chance to Serve Dinner (Again)
By Connie Christians | |
Serving Dinners at The Lewis Center has been a sought
Weekend Pantry April Update
By Connie Christians | |
Our program at Cholee Lake Elementary School is going well
16th Kids Community Closet – Diamond View Elementary
By Connie Christians | |
We are thrilled to announce the opening of our 16th
BallenIsles Charity Foundation Gift
By Connie Christians | |
On Tuesday, March 19th, the BallenIsles Charity Foundation held their
Advocacy at the Washington Institute
By Connie Christians | |
Eight members of Palm Beach Section just returned from Washington
Advocacy in Tallahassee
By Connie Christians | |
NCJW members Caren Freigenberg (from our Advocacy Committee) and Lillian
Support Our Troops
By Connie Christians | |
A Special "Thank You" shout out goes to Dianne &
15th Kids Community Closet Opened
By Connie Christians | |
Jewish Journal Sun Sentinel - Go to the article online.
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